Illinois quick hits: Union opposes prison plan; water rate hike reviewed; swim safety urged

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[May 25, 2024]  By Kevin Bessler | The Center Square

Union opposes prison plan

AFSCME Council 31, the union representing Illinois’ prison workers, has released a report opposing the Illinois Department of Corrections’ proposal to relocate the Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln. In March, Gov. J.B. Pritzker and IDOC announced plans to rebuild the women’s prison. The report states that the plan would likely displace hundreds of workers.  


Water rate hike reviewed

The Citizens Utility Board is claiming Illinois American Water Company’s proposed $152 million rate hike would pad the pockets of company executives and shareholders, while the company said the funds would be used to support water and wastewater system investments. This week, CUB filed testimony with the Illinois Commerce Commission saying it uncovered about $50 million in overcharges and wants the rate hike request cut by at least 32%. The ICC is expected to decide whether to grant the rate hike request in December.

Swim safety urged

As the Memorial Day weekend and outdoor swimming season are approaching, the Illinois Department of Public Health is reminding the public to take precautions to avoid risks such as drowning, spreading disease and pool chemical injuries. A recent CDC study that reviewed 20 years of data found that drowning was the number one killer nationally of children aged 1-4 years and the number two killer of children 0-17 in unintentional injury deaths.



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