Devin Jones says he is the first delegate to the state GOP
convention to come from a majority-Black ward in Chicago.
“It’s a testament to the outreach that some of us have been
doing about being intentional as far as welcoming Black citizens
of Chicago into the party,” Jones said.
Jones is the Republican committeeman for the 18th Ward,
encompassing parts of the city’s South and Southwest Sides. He
said this is a real accomplishment for Republicans in Chicago.
“It’s a testament of the policies that the Republican Party
should and does espouse,” Jones said.
The convention takes place this Friday and Saturday, May 24 and
25, at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville.
Jones is bringing a conservative agenda to the event. He said
Illinois Republicans should remain firmly pro-life.
“I think we should maintain a hard line, a moral stance against
abortion and against LGBTQ ideology,” Jones said.
Jones would not say the Illinois GOP has not been supportive,
but he did say that they’ve been hands-off.
“They don’t know what to do with me and the South Side
Republicans, because we are going to push conservative
principles and policies and the original platform of the
Republican Party,” Jones said.
Jones also said he would like to see a return to direct
elections for state central committeemen.
