2024 Fall Home & Garden

Looking to Buy a House?
Here’s Some Advice from some expert sources

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[October 02, 2024]  According to Ramsay Solutions’ data, fall is the season you may want to start looking into buying a home. According to a chart on their website, between October 2022 and October 2023, September was the month when the median price of a house started to fall, with summer having the highest prices. According to the same article, “winter is usually hibernation time for real estate.”

If you find yourself considering a new home, maybe now is the time to start looking. Of course, a low price is very nice, but not the only thing to consider when purchasing a new home. Let’s take a look at the current housing market and see if now is the time.

What is the current state of the housing market in the United States? What about in Illinois, or locally in Logan County? The website Redfin has some interesting data that helps people to get an understanding of the nationwide housing market. According to their data, since January of 2024, the average price of a home in the United States has hovered between $400,000 to $450,000, with the current median price being $438,837. The number of homes for sale has also risen fairly substantially during that time, going from about 1.38 million for sale in January to over 1.8 million in July. The percentage of homes for sale that drop their prices has also risen, with 15.3 percent of them dropping the price in January to 20.6 percent doing the same in July.

The same types of data can be viewed on Redfin’s website for the state of Illinois and the city of Lincoln. This data shows that Illinois homes have a median price of $309,000, lower than the median price of the nation. The number of homes for sale has also jumped quite a bit from January to July. Also, the percentage of homes with decreases in their price has also jumped quite considerably, sitting at 21.3 percent in July, higher than the national median. These numbers, as we are all aware, can be skewed by data coming from Chicago, so let’s take a closer look at what Redfin has to say about Lincoln.

In Lincoln, the median selling price of a house is $123,700. This, however, is a 31.6 percent increase from the median prices last year. Unfortunately, Redfin does not have data on the number of homes for sale or the percentage of homes that dropped their price. Overall, however, Redfin does give each region a competitive level score based on data from the past three months. Out of 100, Redfin lists Lincoln at 87, putting it in the very competitive category. This shows readers that buying a house in Lincoln right now is a very costly and competitive venture.

While having access to all this data can be helpful in determining the current status of the housing market, what might be even better is hearing from someone local, who has their finger on the pulse, as it were. Seth Goodman, owner and real estate broker of ME Realty, had several things to say about this topic.

When asked about the current condition of the housing market in Logan County, Goodman described the market as “strong,” saying a property, if it is priced right, will receive several offers. Goodman did say the lack of existing homes for sale has “proven to still be an issue.” When asked about the cost of houses, and whether high interest rates have had an effect, Goodman did not think so. Goodman stated, “prices have remained fairly consistent.” He did share that some houses are selling above listing price since there are not as many homes on the market. This could account for Redfin’s claim that housing prices in Lincoln have risen about 33 percent since last year. When asked about whether the current housing market was a buyer’s or seller’s market, Goodman responded with “sellers for sure.”

Goodman also gave some general advice to anyone looking to buy a home. The two most important things to do first when looking for a home is to contact a real estate broker and a lending institution. Once the institution pre-approves you for a loan, this gives you a better idea of the price range you should be looking for when shopping for a house. Goodman also said, “if a property comes on the market today that is of interest yet you have not done either of these, you are likely already too late to the game!”

Speaking of lending institutions, one of the most important things to consider when looking to take out a mortgage is the interest rate. While interest rates are not the highest they have ever been (in the 1980’s, they pushed past 18.5 percent), they are still hovering around seven percent today. This is in stark contrast to January of 2021, when the average interest rate was just over two and a half percent, the lowest they have ever been.

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Let’s look at an example. Bankrate has a mortgage calculator that we can plug some numbers into and see what would be paid for a house today. According to Forbes, the average down payment on a house in Illinois is fourteen percent. Also, according to US Bank, the current APR (annual percentage rate) of a 30-year mortgage is 6.133 percent. Let’s apply these numbers to the average selling price of a house in Lincoln, according to Redfin, from earlier ($123,700). A down payment of fourteen percent would set you back over $17,000 but would help in keeping your monthly mortgage payments lower for the term of the loan. With all the above information considered, you would be paying approximately $794 a month with all of the fees included (insurance, property taxes, etc.) This is only a rough estimate, but if we multiply this number by 360 (the number of monthly payments over 30 years), we see that you will have paid $285,840 for that house. Just for context, with no down payment, your monthly bill would shoot up to $899 per month, with $323,640 being paid over the term of the loan.

With all these numbers in mind, buying a house can seem like a scary thing to do at the moment. Interest rates, however, may be on the decline soon. According to the Associated Press, job reports (the number of jobs added month-to-month) have been “sluggish.” This indicates the Federal Reserve could start cutting interest rates a little here and there by the end of the year. Now might not be the time to buy, but it could be soon. At the end of the day, though, only you are the one who can determine whether it is time to buy a new house. Just make sure that you have as much information as you can before committing.

[Matt Boutcher]










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2024 Fall Home & Garden Magazine

Is fall your favorite time of year? 4
Outdoor Plants and Winter Windowsills 6
Autumn Vegetable Gardening:  Summer's End Does Not Mean the End of Homegrown Vegetables! 12
Soup & Bread; Winter Comfort Food 16
Don't Fumble Your Football party 18
Welcome the Fall Holidays With Early Prep and Good Planning 22
Looking to Buy a House? 26
So, You Think You Want to be a Snowbird? 30

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