Paint the Paper Pink

Thank you all for showing your love for our cancer warriors

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[October 08, 2024]   Each year at the beginning of the Pink Pumpkin Auction to benefit the American Cancer Society a small group of people stand at the front to thank guests for their attendance, speak about the American Cancer Society and encourage everyone to support the fundraiser.

That group is the planning committee for the annual event and consists of Karen Castelein, Annie Coers, Cindy Guyett, Jennifer Luckhart, Nila Smith and Chassidy White. These five people work hard starting about three months ahead of auction night to assure that everything goes as planned.

But, they are never alone in these efforts. There are dozens of people who play a part in the success of the night, and they are often hidden in the background performing tasks that are necessary with out seeking any recognition of their contributions.

The committee knows each one of these folks, and knows the effort they put into making the night a success.

Among the first to be called on to help out is the staff at Lincoln Daily News. In addition to performing their daily duties for the paper, they take on chores that will benefit the auction.

Noah Adkins does all the printing of signs and banners for the auction, and he donates his time and materials. He does a wonderful job, and he is much appreciated by the committee.

Another large group of silent heroes are the folks who work at Collision Concepts. Try to imagine if you will what it takes to turn a working autobody shop with wrecked vehicles and parts filling every bay in to the pristinely clean, very well-organized event that guests find on Thursday night. They do everything from moving everything out of the building and tucking it all away in other locations, to mopping floors and helping with the setting up of tables and chairs, helping to bring in the auction items once they are delivered to the venue, and sticking around throughout the night and making themselves available to help buyers get to their vehicles with their merchandise. Then it is tear down all the tables, fold all the chairs, pick up all the trash and move back in all the parts and wrecked cars that were hauled out earlier in the day.

They work very hard and it is not said often enough or loud enough how their efforts are appreciated.

It is also not mentioned often enough or loud enough that the Logan County Fair Board happily loans the auction all the tables needed for the evening, and for the past two years, Don Peasley with Peasley Funeral Homes has provided those wonderfully comfortable padded chairs that guests enjoy during the auction.

Another group that is unsung is the staff from Illinois American Water, who for the last several years have gone to the fairground and loaded up the 40 plus tables needed and delivers them to Collision and helps unload them. The following morning they return to Collision and gather those tables up and return them to the fairground.

This year, another addition to the list of unsung heroes is Brad Matthews. With more than 200 items to transport from the office of Lincoln Daily News to Collision Concepts, Matthews and a couple of his staff came to the LDN office with a box trailer and loaded every item, then carefully drove it all to Collision where they helped with unloading it.

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Annie Coers solicits volunteers from the staff at Tremont Bank to help with checking out customers at the end of the auction.

Staff from Collision and LDN also volunteer to help out being runners for bid sheets, and helping with the check-out table and cashier tables.

Bill Post, Tonita Reifsteck and Janice Funk are on hand the night of the auction selling luminaria and mystery bags.

Tim and Libby Canady provide the sound system for the auction.

A new attraction this year was a lovely balloon arch at the photo backdrop. It was put together by Kate Andrews who donated her time and talent in honor of her son who is a cancer survivor.

Joe & Michelle Ryan volunteered last year to provide a wine table and did so again this year. It is a much-appreciated contribution to the success of the night.

Of course Brad and Jennifer Luckhart provided much of the food along with Cindy Guyett and friends.

The committee also greatly appreciates the efforts of the auctioneers. This year Ty Tucker and his brother Cody conducted the live auction donating their time and talents to the success of the event.

And last but far from least the Little Miss Logan County Olivia Harmsen and Junior Miss Logan County Sophia Goodman and their families deserve many thanks for giving their time and wonderful talent to the auction.

There are many more that are involved by donating auction items, for it wouldn’t be an auction without items, and there would also not be an auction without bidders.

The committee wishes to thank all these people and any they too may have overlooked in this note.

Without all of these people, without all of YOU, this would be a wasted effort.

Thank you for all you do.

[Nila Smith]

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