2024 Pink Pumpkin Auction
Did we see YOU there?

Album Seven

[Click on photos below to enlarge.]

[October 08, 2024]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Lincoln Daily News always strives to present accurate information.  However, at the Pink Pumpkin Auction it sometimes is difficult to assure that we have everything correct.  If you are shown in this group of photos and your name is wrong or not spelled correctly, please text or email the corrections to 217-737-3613 or ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com

Pictures by JA Hodgdon-Ruppel and Angela Reiners

Don Peasley & Baylor Ingram

Baylor Ingram



Linda Ray and Brett Bowman

Cindy Guyett and her gal pals


Cori, Andrew and Baylor Ingram

Angela Durbin and Scott Hayes


Seth and Gaynor Goodman


Barbara George


Rich & Nila Smith


Alice Engle



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