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October 2024
Friday, October 18th

Saturday, October 19th

Coffee with the Mayor
HOSTED BY: Guest House Coffee and Pastries
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Spend an hour with Mayor Tracy Welch. Coffee on Mayor Welch.
WHERE: Guest House Coffee and Pastries, 113 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday, October 20th
No events on the calendar
Monday, October 21st
Senior Fitness Class
Christian Village/Silver Fox Fitness
DETAILS: Free of charge. Due to
construction, entrance and parking is only from Short Eighth St.
Christian Village Congregate Building, 1500
Seventh St., Lincoln
10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Culver's Habitat for Humanity Logan County Fundraiser
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Join us in supporting Habitat for Humanity of Logan County,
as 10% of all sales will be donated. There's no limit to how much
heart you can put into the community - join us and consider giving
what you can to our local cause today.
WHERE: Culver's, 2530 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Military Order of the Purple Heart
HOSTED BY: Military
Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 159 and Auxiliary 159
WHO: Members
DETAILS: Monthly meeting of both the chapter and the auxiliary.
For questions about the chapter, auxiliary or membership call
Melanie 217-871-8254.
WHERE: VFW Post 755, 2211 Old Jacksonville Rd., Springfield
5:30 p.m.
Logan County Genealogical & Historical Society
October Meeting
HOSTED BY: Logan County Genealogical &
Historcial Society
WHO: Members and Guests
DETAILS: See details in Lincoln
Daily News
WHERE: LCG&HS Center, 114 North Chicago Street, Lincoln
6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 22nd
Mahjong at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.
Lincoln Kiwanis
Lincoln Kiwanis
WHO: Members and Prospective Members
DETAILS: Kiwanis is a service organization working to serve
the children of the world.
WHERE: Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois, 1800 Fifth
St., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon
Bingo at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere!
Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at
5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 23rd
LMH Trailblazers
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial Hospital
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free, walk at your own pace in a group or alone at 7 a.m.,
9 a.m., Noon or 6 p.m. Prizes will be randomly distributed to
LMH Wellness Trail at the hospital, 200 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
7 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon or 6 p.m.
Jolly Seniors
HOSTED BY: Lincoln
Christian Church
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Meetings feature a devotion, entertainment and a lunch
catered by Guzzardo's. Attendees may bring finger foods to share and
a small donation to cover lunch.
Lincoln Christian Church Fellowship Center, 204 N. Mclean St.,
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 24th
Free Bingo at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.
Bingo at the Eagles
Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6 p.m.
Friday, October 25th
Mt. Pulaski Community Blood Drive
Longview Community Bank
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with
parental permission, form available through and
weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo ID is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at
800-747-5401. Visit and use code 60032 to locate
the drive. Donors who last gave blood on or before 8/30/24 are eligible
to give at this drive. All presenting donors will receive a gift card,
bonus points to the donor rewards store, or a donation back to area food
WHERE: Longview Community Bank, 130 S. Washington St., Mount Pulaski
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Saturday, October 26th

Sunday, October 27th
Sign and Dine Club
Dine Club
WHO: Public
DETAILS: "Sign and Dine” is a
group that promotes American Sign Language (ASL) and Sign English
for the hard of hearing and the deaf. We meet the 2nd and 4th
Sundays of the month. We are happy to teach ASL or sign
English. We have a lot of fun!
Contact Ken Benham at 217-732-8101
WHEN: 2 p.m.

Monday, October 28th
Senior Fitness Class
Christian Village/Silver Fox Fitness
DETAILS: Free of charge. Due to
construction, entrance and parking is only from Short Eighth St.
Christian Village Congregate Building, 1500
Seventh St., Lincoln
10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
LMH Prenatal Class
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial
WHO: Public (registration requested)
DETAILS: What is covered? When to Come to the Hospital, What to Expect During
Labor and Delivery, Pain Relief Options, Breathing Techniques,
Family Maternity Suites Tour. Register by calling 217-605-5233
WHERE: LMH Steinfort Room A, 200 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday, October 29th
Mahjong at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere!
Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at
5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30th
LMH Trailblazers
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial Hospital
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free, walk at your own pace in a group or alone at 7 a.m.,
9 a.m., Noon or 6 p.m. Prizes will be randomly distributed to
LMH Wellness Trail at the hospital, 200 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
7 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon or 6 p.m.
Thursday, October 31st
Senator Sally Turner Community Blood Drive
Senator Sally Turner
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with
parental permission, form available through and
weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo ID is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at
800-747-5401. To donate, please contact Abbey Grubb at (217)
558-1491 or visit and use code 61429 to locate the
drive. Donors who last gave blood on or before 9/5/24 are eligible to
give at this drive. All presenting donors will receive a gift card,
bonus points to the donor rewards store, or a donation back to area food
WHERE: Donor Bus, 120 S. McLean St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Free Bingo at the Oasis
Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.
Bingo at the Eagles
Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6 p.m.
Interactive Trick or Treat
Timber Creek Village
SPONSORED BY: Timber Creek Village, Heritage Packaging, and Family
of Timber
Creek Residents
WHO: Grades K-6
DETAILS: Enjoy an interactive Halloween maze, sweet treats, visiting
residents for candy bags, and a family photo stop.
WHERE: Timber Creek Village, 201 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. |