Mt. Pulaski opens the 2024 fall festival with flare under the "Big Top on the Hill Top"

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[September 14, 2024]    The 2024 Mt. Pulaski Fall Festival got off to a great start on Friday evening as a large crowd was on hand for the various activities going on around the historic Mt. Pulaski Courthouse square.

With activities well underway before the official kick off opening ceremony at 5:30 p.m. there was plenty to do and take in while waiting. The opening ceremony was held immediately following a grand musical performance by the youngsters of Moochelle’s Kid Care.

Those children also led the crowd in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

Following their performance, Mt. Pulaski Mayor Matt Bobell took the podium to welcome visitors to the fall festival and offer some personal thanks to the many volunteers it takes to pull off a perfect fall festival.

Next to the podium was one such volunteer, Katie Alsup who also welcomed guests before announcing the plaque awardees for the 2024 festival.

She began with announcing that the Grand Marshal of Mt. Pulaski Parade would be retired teacher Darrel Wernsing. She read a brief biography of Wernsing’s lifetime achievements before bringing him to the front for the plaque presentation.

The second announcement was for the 2024 Volunteers of the year. The announcement was made that the recipient would by husband wife duo Jeff and Linda Dirks. The Dirkses were not on hand Friday evening, but their plaque was accepted by their son Caleb. He shared that he had told his parents that they would be the volunteers of the year and would be riding in the Saturday parade. He drew a laugh from the audience when he said not surprisingly his mom had had a lot of questions about all that. Finally he added that his parents were quite happy to be honored in such a manner and would be in the parade on Saturday.

The third award Alsop said was a new one just this year. She said that it was intended to acknowledge the youth that are taking interest in the community and volunteering to make a difference. She said the first ever recipient exemplified the giving spirit as he had helped with numerous events and activities in the community in the past year. She said as a young person, he found that he had many, many “moms” who enjoyed telling him what to do.

She then announced, much to the pleasure of the crowd that the first ever youth volunteer of the year would go to teenager Dean Mileham. Dean came up for a big hug from Also before accepting his plaque.

After this there was a brief break while the organizers prepared for the Little Miss and Junior Miss Mt. Pulaski pageant.

This year there were 13 Little Miss contestants, seven Junior Miss contestants and one helper, Ross Jones who might have stolen the show in the opinion of many.

At one point it was announced that perhaps Jones should be named the honorary Little Mister Mt. Pulaski.

The 13 Little Miss contestants were:

Eliza meister
Kinsley Lahey
Brielia McDonnough
Zoie Steskal
Nora Smock
Eleyn white
Luci Bobell
Harlyn Gibbs
Amelia Clemens
Emery Hartman
Reese Deibert
Reese Jones
Piper Haffner

[to top of second column]

The seven Junior Miss contestants were:

Ella Hall
Paislee Brinkley
Abbigale Martin
Lakin Titus
Khloe Carrall
Adeline Conn
Alma Meister

The Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening was Jennifer Lakin, wife of Ty and daughter-in-law of the late Mike Lakin. She commented that she was honored to be a part of the pageant and that her father-in-law Mike Lakin had always enjoyed the Mt. Pulaski Festival, being at all the events photographing and reporting on the outcomes in his newspaper the Mt. Pulaski Times.

She moved on to introduce the judges for the evening, the 2024 Little Miss and Junior Miss Logan County Olivia Harmsen and Sophia Goodman respectively. The third judge for the evening was Skye Kretzinger, the 2019 Miss Logan County Fair Queen.

The pageant began with all the Little Miss contestants being brought up to the steps of the Mt. Pulaski Courthouse and introduced. Each one waved and smiled at the audience as they were named.

Second, the Junior Miss contestants were brought up in the same manner and also waved to the audience when their name was called.

It had been said earlier in the evening that the theme for the 2024 Fall Festival was “Big Top on the Hill Top.” It was also shared that when the littlest group came up one member at a time, they would be asked a circus related question.

The little girls were then called one at a time and asked to introduce themselves, tell their age, then answer the question “What is your favorite circus animal.”

As the little girls came up, the answers they gave were as unique as they were. One liked the camels just because they were cute. Another liked lions because they are taught to walk on a tight rope. Another like the elephants because they are “jiggly.”

Young Ross Jones stood on the steps and offered each young lady his hand to assist them in navigating the steps. He would then handle passing the microphone from Lakin to the contestant beside him. But when one little gal came to the steps, he just couldn’t resist telling the audience that Reese Jones was also his sister, drawing chuckles from the crowd.

When all the Little Miss contestants had done their part, the Junior Miss girls were called up in the same manner. Their special question was “What do you like about the Mt. Pulaski Fall Festival.”

Again each one had a unique answer from enjoying time in town with friends, visiting the vendor booths with family and just taking it all in.

With the answers all given, the full group of Junior Miss contestants were called to stand on the steps of the courthouse again, with the full group of Little Miss contestants taking the step lower.

The 2023 Little Miss Coley Olson and Junior Miss Lindy Jones were called to the front to help with the crowning of their 2024 successors.

The three judges deliberated for more than a few minutes and Lakin commented that it must indeed be a very close race for them to be so studious in making their decision. Finally, the votes were tallied, and it was time to announce the winners.

The 2024 Little Miss Mt. Pulaski was announced as Piper Haffner and the Junior Miss was announced as Adeline Conn. Both were crowned and received their sashes with broadly smiling faces.

They received congratulations and more than a few “high fives” from their fellow contestants who were soon dismissed from the courthouse steps.

Both young ladies were all smiles as they posed for their first official pictures as Mt. Pulaski royalty.

Both girls are expected to participate in the Fall Festival parade and will be present for other fall festival activities as well.

[Nila Smith with photos by Julie Bobell and Smith]


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