MAITLAND, Fla. (AP) — The 34-year-old son of NBA great Michael
Jordan was arrested early Tuesday in central Florida on a
misdemeanor drug charge after police officers found his car
stuck on railroad tracks minutes before a commuter train was
scheduled to pass, authorities said.
Marcus Jordan was charged with possession of cocaine, a
second-degree misdemeanor, and resisting an officer without
violence, also a misdemeanor, according to online court records.
Officers with the Maitland Police Department found Jordan's
Lamborghini sports utility vehicle immobile on railroad tracks
in the suburb of Orlando, Florida, with a commuter train just 10
minutes away, because the vehicle's tires were buried in dirt
and rock from being spun repeatedly, according to an arrest
Officers learned that Jordan had just fled from a traffic stop
in a neighboring county. They asked him to get out of the
vehicle after smelling alcohol and noticing his slurred speech
and confusion. They found a bag of what tested positive for
cocaine in his pants, the arrest report said.
Jordan, a former University of Central Florida basketball
player, refused to talk to reporters when he was released
Tuesday from the Orange County Jail.
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