BERLIN (AP) — A driver drove a vehicle into a group of people in
Munich on Thursday, injuring at least 20 people, authorities
Authorities didn't provide details about the incident near
downtown Munich which took place around 10:30 a.m., including
whether the people were hit deliberately.
Police said on social platform X that the driver was “secured”
at the scene and no longer poses any danger. A damaged Mini
could be seen at the scene.
The fire service said at least 20 people were injured, some of
them seriously, German news agency dpa reported.
Mayor Dieter Reiter said he was “deeply shocked” by the
incident. He said that children were among those injured.
A demonstration by the service workers' union ver.di was taking
place at the time of the incident. It was not immediately clear
whether demonstrators were among the injured.
The Bavarian capital will see heavy security in the coming days
because the three-day Munich Security Conference, an annual
gathering of international foreign and security policy
officials, opens on Friday.
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