Attendees will hear research updates from
university experts to gain insightful tips for making farm
management decisions and will walk away with research updates,
resources, and new connections in their communities.
Presentations during the Springfield summit will include
emerging technologies in farming, the Data-Intensive Farm
Management Project, the impact of wind, a Farmdoc update, and
more. The event is built to provide agriculturalists with tools
and management considerations for continued farming success.
“The Illinois Agronomy Summit in Springfield will give attendees
the opportunity to hear directly from researchers and experts on
current topics impacting agriculture,” says Reagen Tibbs,
Extension commercial agriculture educator serving Logan, Menard,
and Sangamon counties. “Since I joined Illinois Extension in
January, my goal has been to bring researchers and experts
directly to producers and stakeholders across Logan, Menard, and
Sangamon counties.”
The cost to attend is $30, and registration is required by Jan.
14. Find more details and registration at
Registration includes all presentations and lunch. Continuing
education units are available for Certified Crop Advisers.
For questions or if a reasonable accommodation is needed to
participate in this program, contact Reagen Tibbs, commercial
agriculture educator for Logan, Menard and Sangamon counties.
Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time
to meet access needs.
[Provided by Reagen Tibbs]