MOUNT COBB, Pa. (AP) — Bagpipers returning from a St. Patrick's
Day parade were taken to hospitals after their charter bus
crashed into a tractor-trailer, officials said.
The bus was exiting westbound Interstate 84 in northeastern
Pennsylvania shortly before 6:30 p.m. Sunday when it ran into
the tractor-trailer, which had no one inside it, Jefferson
Township Volunteer Fire Department Chief Mike Shaffer said,
according to WBRE-TV/WYOU-TV.
Seventeen people on the bus had minor injuries, according to
Pennsylvania State Police spokesperson Trooper First Class
Robert Urban. The crash was not weather related and is under
investigation, he said.
The bus was carrying the Greater Scranton Black Diamonds Pipe
Band back from a parade in Milford, according to Bill Hetherson,
the band’s business manager. The band expects everyone to make a
full recovery. They cancelled group St. Patrick's Day events on
Monday but some might be able to play solo, Hetherson said.
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