2015_Education_Magazine - page 4

Educational systems in Logan County:
progressive and forward thinking
f you blink, you could miss it. Our
education system is changing rapidly,
almost overnight as new tools for our
educators become available and as the
education system adapts to the needs of
a changing world to prepare youth for
It’s not great-grandma’s one-room
school house with multiple grades
taught together and a lot of rote
memorization. Nor is it grandpa’s school
with chalkboards, stacks of text books
to tote, long daily lectures on any given
topic; it’s not even pens and paper, or
handwritten homework and tests any
more. Rather, the classroom has become
a dynamic and vibrant place filled with
technology, energy and new freedoms.
In this issue we take a look at one of our
most rural school districts, the combined
New Holland-Middletown K - 12 school
which has received state and national
acclaim for its forward thinking and
action in gaining technology tools for
use by all of its students. Writer and
educator Angela Reiners offered this
comment after her visit, “What a small
school in a somewhat impoverished
community is doing is truly amazing.”
Moving up the grade levels, we take
a look into what is happening at the
high school level. For this magazine
we are featuring five articles on what
is happening in Logan County’s largest
school, Lincoln Community High
School. You will see that technology
is having an impact on all the students
there also.
[Note: Be sure to check out
the short video clips.]
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