2018 Education

2018 EDUCATION MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MARCH 1, 2018 Page 11 Irwin said kids are impulsive and no one-size- fits-all for choices and decisions. Our kids are happy to learn it’s okay to make mistakes because “mistakes are opportunities for learning.” How we approach them matters. If we teach, but do not care about our kids, they are not going to learn. Students feel safe and supported. Irwin said we are teaching students to make a big impact in the community. Our kids need to learn academics, but also learn to be good citizens. Kids and teachers are more powerful than they know. Aper said we focus on positives and teach kids coping mechanisms and skills. Some pick it up more quickly than others, but we do not give up on them. Irwin believes every single kid can grow no matter what. It does no matter where they came from, who their parents are, what their socio-economic background is, or whether they have an Individualized Education Plan. Aper said some students have reached goals they did not feel were attainable, and it is amazing. Students can see the teacher’s excitement. Aper and Irwin love the teachers, staff, and kids and celebrate these successes. Aper said the growth mindset will be carried through for years to come as they hope to provide more trainings and further implement the program. [Angela Reiners]