2018 Education

Page 32 2018 EDUCATION MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MARCH 1, 2018 problem could turn into a big one if it isn’t handled correctly. Talking about Parkland specifically, Butterfield said that he had not read any official reports, only what has shown up on news and social media. He said there should have been some warning signs that something was about to go terribly wrong for 19-year old Nikolas Cruz. Hearing that the young man owned 10 rifles, supposedly without the knowledge of his guardians, Butterfield said that in itself is part of the problem. How and why do parents not know what is going on in their kids lives? Butterfield said lesson number one to all parents or guardians should be “be responsible.” Butterfield said, “As a guardian or a parent, from the moment you bring that child into your home, you are responsible.” Butterfield said that being a responsible parent isn’t always popular. A responsible parent is not a ‘best friend’, does not respect privacy, and does implement rules. Butterfield went on to say that parents should be in their children’s “business” all the time. They should have access to Facebook accounts and other social media, and they need to know that many kids have more than one account: the one they share with their parents, and the one or more that they keep hidden. Parents need to dig and pry until they know of those accounts. In addition, parents need to know that while Facebook is a popular social media for older adults, kids are steering away from that platform and are utilizing Instagram and Snapchat much more than their parents. A parent needs to be aware of all their child’s accounts on all forms of social media. Butterfield said cell phones are not private property. Parents should be checking text messages to see who their kids are talking to and what is being said. He also encourages parents to go into their kid’s rooms and just look around. Again, a child has no right to privacy when it comes to drugs, alcohol, weapons, and destructive behavior. What is in their rooms could be a big indicator of what is going on in their minds. Finding out can be an important step to assisting a child that is dealing with emotional trauma. Of course, sometimes it is all easier said than done. But Butterfield said parents need to be strong if they want to raise strong kids. They should teach their kids that life isn’t always CONTINUED →