2018 Light up a Life

LIGHT UP A LIFE AN ALMH FOUNDATION PROGRAM DEC. 21, 2018 Page 55 In Memory of those who have passed -Tribute Name Don and Ilene Southern Marty Holmes Clara Belle Sparks William and Lauri Bates Samuel Sparks William and Lauri Bates William “Bud” Sparling Dorothea Schmidt Wm. “Bud” Sparling Rich and Rojean Logan Joanne Special Clara E. Douthit Marian Spore William and Lauri Bates Allan Sprague Don and Dorothy Fink Rev. Virgil and Maryanna Sprunger Tonita Reifsteck Mr. and Mrs. Ray Staats Harold Krusemark Hurley and Ruth Stalions Jim and Karen Stalions Roscoe and Dorothy Stanfield Donald and Anna Stanfield Helen Staples Judy Hale Roy Staples Judy Hale Margaret and George Starchevich Robert Sheley Gene and Delores Starks Jim and Karen Stalions Nell and Virgil Steffens Wayne and Sandy Benanti Robert Steinfort William and Lauri Bates Rosemary Steinfort William and Lauri Bates Karen Hinman Stephenson Marya S. Hinman Merritt and Mildred Stoll Eric and Traci Graue and Family Bev Stoltzenburg Donna Miles Beverly Stoltzenburg Gary and Anne Stoltzenburg John and Lucille Stoltzenburg Gary and Anne Stoltzenburg Pearl Stonesifer Orville O. Bandelow Andrew A. Straumann Pat Straumann James D. Strauss Brad and Carolyn Neal with our Love and Blessings Wendy Strocher Milinda Wolf Wendy Strocher Rev. John and Jeanette L. Johnson Robert Strotheide Ron and Lori Spencer