2018 Light up a Life

Page 56 LIGHT UP A LIFE AN ALMH FOUNDATION PROGRAM DEC. 21, 2018 In Memory of those who have passed -Tribute Name Frank and Arline Stroud Stu and Linda Churchill Robert W. Struebing James and Anne Struebing Ryan J. Struebing James and Anne Struebing Edna and Waldon Stuckel Mark and Jenny Craig Beverly Stuffing Gladys Guinn Cliff (Sonny) Sullivan Linda I. Sullivan John R. Sullivan Wilfreida Sullivan and Virginia Gleason Marion Sutton Janet Sutton Grace Swart Phyllis Yentes Terry Szoke Les and Theresa Richert Herma Taft Jim and Nancy Ireland Dorothy Taylor Daniel and Cheryl Lemme Dorothy E. Taylor Lila L. Leesman Ruby Taylor Ruby Bates Gretchen Tebrugge Mark and Kathryn Tebrugge Daisy Tesh Becky Werth Dara Tesh Ellen F. Barr Jocke and Damien Jocke Dara Tesh Becky Werth Dara Renee Tesh LaVerne and Marcella Tesh Edward and Daisy Tesh LaVerne and Marcella Tesh S. Edward Tesh Becky Werth Mark Theobald Brad and Carolyn Neal with our Love and Blessings Mel Theobald Brad and Carolyn Neal with our Love and Blessings Roger Theobald Brad and Carolyn Neal with our Love and Blessings Walter and Jennie Tholen Darlene and Cindy Mangold Floyd Thomas Vera Thomas Larry Thomas Vera Thomas Louise Thomas Vera Thomas Louise Thomas Dale and Margaret Bent Raymond Thomas Vera Thomas Ed Thompson Kay Thompson Ed Thompson Terrica and Bruce Buchholz Edward Thompson Doris E. Oltmanns Edward L. Thompson Margie Martin Kenneth Thompson LaVerne and Marcella Tesh Rod Thompson Marlene Thompson Tom and Eileen Thompson Kay Thompson Tom and Eileen Thompson Doris E. Oltmanns