2018 fair-print
2018 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July 29 - August 5, 2018 Page 45 Tuesday, July 31, 2018 Julia Collins - Junior Miss Kylee Fulk - Little Miss Molly Schempp crowned Miss Logan County Fair 2018 O n a cool and breezy Tuesday evening, seven lovely and talented young women, seven delightful junior misses, and fifteen charming little misses from around Logan County competed for a chance to represent Logan County. Because of the threat of rain, the pageant was moved to the show barn where a stage decorated with blue and red stars served as the backdrop for the 79th Logan County Fair Queen Pageant. Master of Ceremonies Cameron Kurtz welcomed everyone to the 82nd anniversary of the fair, thanking the many sponsors, and introduced 2017 Logan County Fair Queen Meg Meeker, who told everyone to relax and have a good time. For the opening production number, the queen candidates danced across the stage to “Rock This Country” then introduced themselves. The candidates vying for the title included: Molly Schempp of Atlanta, daughter of Darin and Cindy Schempp, who will be a senior at Schempp Home School and also attend Olympia High School part time. Maggie Anderson of Mount Pulaski , daughter of Ed and Carol Anderson, who will be a senior at Mount Pulaski High School. Grace Bobb of Lincoln, daughter of Michael Bobb and Katie Williamson, who will be a senior at Lincoln Community High School. Skye Kretzinger of Chestnut, daughter of Joseph and Tiffany Kretzinger, who will be a sophomore at Lincoln Land Community College. Olivia Letterle of Mount Pulaski, daughter of Bryan and Shelley Letterle, who will be a freshman at Lincoln Land Community College. CONTINUE 00
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