2018 fair-print
Page 46 2018 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July 29 - August 5, 2018 Kristy Weidhuner of Lincoln, daughter of Scott and Amy Weidhuner, who will be a freshman at Illinois State University. Audrey Dennison of Lincoln, daughter of Chad and Kari Dennison, who will be a senior at Lincoln Community High School. To display their communication skills, which is 40 percent of the score, queen contestants spoke on a topic of their choice diverse in topics such as the pig and calf scrambles and making it happen, small towns and agriculture in Logan County, good times with family, and plans to be an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor teaching leadership skills. Other topics included making a difference, inspiring kids to develop a passion for agriculture, plans for being a pediatric nurse and helping scared kids, being inspired to come out on top even when dealing with hardship and bumps in the road, and becoming a psychologist to help kids and to develop more awareness of mental health issues. For the pop question, the contestants were asked what they thought about a woman running for president. Some answered that it would be fine if the woman was qualified and had the ability, skill, and confidence. Others said it is great step towards furthering women’s place in society and showing equality with men, and that it is something we need. The rest of their scores were based on an interview done earlier in the day with the judges, a swimsuit competition to show their beauty and physique, and an evening gown competition to demonstrate their stage presence. Last year, a Junior Miss competition was added for girls between the ages of nine and12, and this year, the age range was changed to 11 to 13. A three-minute personal interview done before the contest was worth 75 percent of their score. The other 25 percent of the score came from their appearance on stage and answering a question. The Junior Miss contestants danced across the stage to the song “Boots and Bling.” This year’s seven Junior Miss contestants included Danielle Phillips, Adi Rumler, Ellyn Martinez, Josie Wakeman, Lizzie Hudson, Jayda Allspach, and Julia Collins. These contestants were asked a question about what should be shared on social media. Answers included only posting what you CONTINUE 00
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