2018 fair-print

2018 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July 29 - August 5, 2018 Page 47 are comfortable sharing with others since it could affect future jobs, thinking about what you post and not posting anything you might regret, being cautious and careful because you do not know who might see it and it could lead to bullying or stalking, not posting inappropriate photos and not posting something you wouldn’t show to your grandma. As always, the Little Miss contestant provided some cute moments as they introduced themselves and told what they like about the fair. Answers included the rides, fishing, food, time with family, the derby, the animals, and showing pigs and bringing home the bacon. This year’s fifteen Little Miss contestants included Haylee Cowan, Trinity Callahan, Emily Lawrence, Kallie Courtwright, Jaelynn Hinch, Kylee Fulk, Jolie Grisham, Sydnie Sanderbeck, Willow Smith, Andrea Rogers, Brooklyn Edwards, Bristol Karas, Reagan Titus, Brinley Balance and Olivia Wrage. Little Miss contestants were judged on a two- minute personal interview and their stage presence. As in previous years, special guests filled the time between the various sections of the competition. These guests included this year’s Queens, Junior Misses, and Little Misses from various Illinois counties, who introduced themselves and wished all the contestants luck. Other guests included several former Logan County Fair Queens and Little Misses. The royalty ranged from recent years who shared what they are doing now, all the way back to 1968 Queen Peggy Neal and 1945 Queen Evelyn Oltmanns Belcher. Neal said she remembered being asked if a woman should run for president, and Belcher recalled when she was queen she did not have to do anything at the fair after being crowned. Before results were announced, the outgoing 2017 royalty gave farewell speeches. Little Miss Elliana Park thanked the fair board, Queen Meg, and Jr. Miss Karson for everything and wished contestants luck. Junior Miss Karson Mott thanked the fair board, her parents, her siblings, and the pageant directors for all their support. Queen Meg Meeker said ten years ago, she never imagined running for queen and said this last year had been a life changing experience for her. Meeker thanked her network of support that included the fair board, many CONTINUE 00