2018 fair-print

2018 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July 29 - August 5, 2018 Page 65 Tuesday, July 31, 2018 E ach year as a prep for coverage of the Logan County Fair, staff at Lincoln Daily News get together to discuss what is going on fair week and who will be in what location. The group also talks about what interesting stories might be found, and what significant changes may have occurred since last year. This year, during that meeting, someone mentioned they had heard a rumor that Dean Bruns, was “slowing down.” It stood to reason, that at 90 years of age, if the long- time fair board president wanted to ‘slow down’ he had certainly earned that right. What does a slower version of the happy, chatty, fun loving Bruns look like? Did it mean that maybe we wouldn’t see Dean at the fair this year? These were questions that we decided needed to be answered. Sometimes referred to as “Father of the Fair,” Bruns has been involved in the Logan County Fair for close to 70 of his 90 years, and was an attendee and participant even before that. And, if Dean Bruns is the father of the fair, then the beloved ‘nephew of the fair’ would have to be Board Secretary Mike Maske. This time of year, Maske is easy to find if you know how to bird dog just a bit. Go to the fairground, look for the red pick-up and tail it until it stops. Chances are you’ll find Mike anywhere on the grounds, working on something very important that will help slowing down means someone else will drive the golf cart For the Father of the Fair, Dean Bruns, CONTINUE 00