2018 fair-print

Page 66 2018 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July 29 - August 5, 2018 deliver a good fair experience for visitors and exhibitors. One thing you can be sure of is that you won’t find him with his feet propped up sipping coffee somewhere. Like Dean, the fair belongs to him, and while the two may not be related, they both have the Logan County Fair in their blood. As expected, on a warmer than warm mid- July morning, we found Maske, zipping from one location to another checking on people who were putting up tents, building risers, and helping out along the way. Always happy to talk about his fair, Maske took a minute to hear the question. Is Dean Bruns slowing down this year? Will we see him as much as we normally do? Maske had a slightly puzzled look, and with a furrowed brow he said that he really didn’t know anything about Dean slowing down. He said there was one thing he was certain of though, “as long as Dean Bruns is able to take a breath, he will be at the Logan County Fair.” So with a sigh of relief, knowing our beloved Dean would still be at the fair, in spite of maybe, supposedly, slowing down, LDN staff headed on their way, but not before getting a phone number for the person we will now forever know as the ‘daughter of the fair,’ Gayla Hughes. Gayla is Dean’s daughter, and for those who may not know, she loves the Logan County Fair as much as her dad does. And why not, in more than 60 years, she has missed only one day at the Logan County Fair. CONTINUE 00