2018 Worship Guide

2018 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 5, 2018 Page 13 Change is very difficult. All of us have habits and ways of thinking that have become embedded in our lives. We need to remember that when we ask someone to become a devoted follower of Jesus, we are asking them to make major change in their life, and that is not easy. But even though change is hard, change is why Jesus came. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” n Jesus came in a manger to change us, to make us different people. n The reason we have the Bible is not just to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives. n The purpose of fellowship and the church is not just for enjoyment, but to change us. So, can a tightwad become generous? Can a grouch become joyful? Can the surly become sweet? Right here is one of the big challenges facing American Christianity. People want to go to heaven (“saved”,) but do not want to change. We are ok with faith, but not ok with repentance. Faith is believing — and many believe. Repentance is changing — but not many want to change. We say “Yes, Lord, save me, but please don’t change me.” One of the messages of Christmas is “Repent.” Just as the three spirits came to Scrooge to change him, so Jesus came to the earth to change us. We can talk about the “true meaning of Xmas”, but if doesn’t change us, it doesn’t mean a thing. May we all have a life-changing Christmas. Mark Weber, Minister Mount Pulaski Christian Church REPENT