2018 Worship Guide

Page 16 2018 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 5, 2018 • In July I took some great kids to visit my Alma Mater. The WONDER in their eyes as we walked around in 90 degree heat and humidity made my heart recall sweet memories of how charming the campus looks at Christmas under a blanket of snow. • In August we gave away cold water and freezer pops and books and other fun stuff at the Logan County Fair. Even with the sounds of livestock and carnival rides and grandstand activities ringing in my ears I thought about Christmas every time we gave away a GIFT . • A baptism in September caused me to think about Mary and Joseph’s FAITH . • Watching the farmers as they brought the harvest in in October made me think about JOY like the wise men felt when they reached their journey’s end. • And November is, of course, a great time to reflect on BLESSING as we thank God for all His good gifts, especially His Son. What’s the point of this tedious sounding exercise just enumerated like Aunt Elouise’s boring annual Christmas letter? (My sincerest apologies to all you Aunt Elouises who may be reading this while you take a break from addressing your Christmas letter envelopes!) Just a simple thought: Christmas is never far away as long as our hearts and minds are fixed on Christ. Thank You, Jesus for all that You are, all the time! Greg Wooten, Pastor Hope Chapel