2019 light up

Light Up A Life A Publication of Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation Dec. 23, 2019 Page 27 In Memory of those who have passed - Tribute Name Ruth Follis Gladys Guinn Donald and Betty Foss Michael L. and Linda J. Armstrong Harold and Gladys Fox Carol Begolka Marilyn Fox Steven and Cathy Cosby Marylin Fox Don and Dorothy Fink Ron Fox Don and Dorothy Fink Ron and Marilyn Fox Bob and Pat Sullivan Ronald Fox Steven and Cathy Cosby Ronald Wayne Fox Lincoln Masonic Lodge, #210 Jon Franklin John and Tamara Welter David E. Freeman, Sr. Mary Sue Freeman Hinley Freese Janet Sutton Hinley Ann Freese Donda Freese John Freese Janet Sutton John A. Freese Donda Freese Delmar H. French Hazel L. Jones Steve French Pat French Opal Frey Gary Davis and Karen Sams Davis Samuel Frey Gary Davis and Karen Sams Davis C. I. Frieze Bill and Lauri Bates Virginia Frost Norma Chere Duane Frye Marty Holmes Billie R. Fuggit Ron and Marilyn Craig Dale Alan Fulk John, Deb, T.J. and Clint Cook Larry Lee Fulk John, Deb, T.J. and Clint Cook Donnie Wayne Fulk, Jr. John, Deb, T.J. and Clint Cook Elmer D. and Thelma M. Fulk, Jr. John, Deb, T.J. and Clint Cook Donnie Fulk, Jr. Dana and Reagan Bell Deo Fulscher Dan and Pat Babbs Donna and Harold Fulscher Dan and Fran Fulscher and Cindy and Ed Mayfield Iona Fulscher Roger P. and Linda M. Williams Ruthie M. Fulscher Dan and Pat Babbs Kenton Fults Michael and Kathy Martinie Kenton Fults Jerod Fults Kenton Fults Carol, Charlene, J.W., and Leah Robb George and Fannie Funderburg Judith and Russell Funderburg Buford S. Funk Rebecca and Donald Cecil Elvera M. Funk Rebecca and Donald Cecil