2019 light up

Page 52 Light Up A Life A Publication of Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation Dec. 23, 2019 In Memory of those who have passed - Tribute Name Wally Reifsteck Roger and Connie Boss T. R. Renfrow, Jr. Cheryl Renfrow Dale Renken Laurie J. Bishop Helen Renken Laurie J. Bishop Joan Renken Laurie J. Bishop Joann K. Renken Laurie J. Bishop John C. Renken Laurie J. Bishop Marie Renken Laurie J. Bishop Robert Renken Laurie J. Bishop Weldon Renken Laurie J. Bishop Clyde Reynolds Jan and Bill Dickerson Myrtle and David Rhoads Rhoda E. Holland Myrtle and David Rhoads Martha J. Holland Donald R. Richards Roger and Connie Boss Eric Richards Nancy and Gene Richards Verna L. Richards William and Joyce Gobleman John W. Richards Sr. William and Joyce Gobleman Viola Richert Les and Theresa Richert Josephine Richner Alan and Margie Roos Mary (Fitzpatrick) Ripa Deb Curry Harold and Wilma Short Ritchhart Ted and Judy Awe Josie Ritchhart Rhoda E. Holland Josie Ritchhart Martha J. Holland Fred E. Ritterbush Conrady and Titus Families Dr. Horacio R. Rivero Mrs. Janet Rivero Betty Jo Robb Carol, Charlene, J.W., and Leah Robb Rodney Robb Carol, Charlene, J.W., and Leah Robb Dub Roberts Jo Kerley John and Linda Robinson Karen Jean Lohrenz Harry Rock Roger and Connie Boss Yvonne Rogers Paul and Deborah Short Yvonne Rogers Stu and Linda Churchill Harry E. Rohlfs Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Shehorn Karen Rohman Shirley Dittus Art Rohrer Stephen and Susan Rohrer Art Rohrer Mike and Darla Rohrer Arthur D. Rohrer Mike and Jean Anderson Henry and Ruth Rohrer Stephen and Susan Rohrer