2019 light up

Light Up A Life A Publication of Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation Dec. 23, 2019 Page 67 In Appreciation of Great Care - Tribute Name Mr. and Mrs. Jase Camp and Carter Robert Sheley Dennis Carroll Fritz and Ruth Werkman Dr. Carroll Mason City Area Nursing Home Dr. Dennis Carroll Ruth W. Kapik Dr. Dennis Carroll Jean Lynn Dr. Carroll and Staff Pat French Dr. Dennis Carroll and Staff Les and Theresa Richert Dr. Dennis Carroll and Staff Ted and Judy Awe Dr. Dennis Carroll, M.D. Michael L. and Linda J. Armstrong Dr. Cox Mason City Area Nursing Home Dr. M. Cox Wayne and Kay Hanner Dr. Melissa Cox Harold and Jean Boyer Dr. Melissa Cox Jean Lynn Dr. Melissa Cox Joe and Sudie Mintjal Dr. Melissa Cox Bill and Dianne Breen Melissa Cox, M.D. Betty J. Lessen Melissa Cox, M.D. Joseph Mintjal ALMH Dietary Staff Margaret Crabtree Jane Fox Greg and Jane Fox Michelle Fox Barbara A. Peterson and Roger R. Roloff Dr. Gadbois - MPS Lincoln Stu and Linda Churchill Gaynor Goodman Seth Goodman Dr. Kristen Green Ruth Bogart Dr. Susan Harmon Brenda and Galen Wickline Teresa Heidbreder Tina Coers Family Dr. Rodney Herrin Les and Gretchen Plotner Hospice Nurses, Frank and Tina Dawn and Jeff Ringenberg Hospital Volunteers Rebecca Bailey Eleanor Hutchinson, RN Jeff and Lisa Fulk