2019 Wellness

2019 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 21, 2019 Page 27 Fruge said making poor choices may keep you from being able to attain some of your goals. The good choices relate to future goals and bad choices can affect these goals. She told students every decision can affect your future, so it important to make good choices. Students learn about managing emotions Cynthia Fedor talked to students about Mental Health and dealing with different emotions. Fedor asked for volunteers to hold up signs that listed different emotions and feelings such as stressed, scared, suicidal, angry, sad, happy, joyful and silly. She asked the kids which emotions they should think about before acting, and she had big signs that said ‘Go,’ ‘Slow,’ and ‘Whoa.’ The student would stand by the Go sign if it was an emotion where you could go and do something, the Slow sign if the emotion required thinking before acting, and the Whoa sign if the emotion required stopping before making choices. A list showing problem solving through your emotions had a stoplight with red representing Whoa, yellow representing Slow, and green representing Go. CONTINUED