2019 Wellness

Page 28 2019 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 21, 2019 • With Whoa, you define the problem, identify the choices, and identify the plusses and minuses of each choice. • With Slow, you determine the best choice based on the plusses and minuses after talking with an adult. • With Go, you act on the decision and evaluate the results. Students decided emotions such as anger or stress are Whoa emotions, while being silly is a Slow emotion, and being happy is a Go emotion. Fedor told students they need to learn to listen to their emotions because they can be extreme and hard to handle, and emotions such as anger may require distance. She taught them how to monitor and manage emotions. Students learn about cyberbullying Jennifer Keith led a session on Cyber Bullying. Keith said the cyber part is on computer, desktops, tablets, phones, email, and emojis and is sometimes done anonymously. The bullying is seeking to harm or hurt someone usually through a repeated action. Cyberbullies share negative or mean content or personal, private information to cause embarrassment and it is persistent and permanent. Adults do not see the information unless it is reported, and Keith told students they need to report it. Keith showed students statistics that reported: • 34 percent of people from ages 12-25 have faced nasty or abusive comments online. • 68 percent sent vulgar texts. • 41 percent developed social anxiety. CONTINUED