2019 Wellness

Page 6 2019 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 21, 2019 Meta-analyses of low-carb, low-calorie and low-fat diets produce similar weight loss results over time. Where the difference comes into play is in maintaining the weight loss, which is best accomplished by adopting a healthy lifestyle. A food plan with the following percentages has been shown to reduce and/ or eliminate many metabolic disease states: • 50 percent (at least) of calories from complex carbohydrates • 20 percent (or more) of calories from unsaturated fat and omega 3 fatty acids • (Less than) 10 percent of calories from saturated and trans fats • 20 percent (or less) of calories from mostly plant based proteins The simple formula There is no magic secret. Working towards adopting an unrestricted, but mostly unprocessed foods meal plan with adequate cardiovascular and strength training exercise, can produce the results we want and need, no matter our set body weight. A word about our body fat purposes and concerns Visceral fat, the fat that is metabolically active and surrounds the body organs, is a big determinant of disease risk. CONTINUED