2019 Wellness

2019 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 21, 2019 Page 7 Subcutaneous fat, the kind we can see easily with the naked eye, carries its own set of problems. Too much or too little also contributes to disease development. However, visceral fat, much like our HDL “happy healthy” cholesterol, can only be changed through lifestyle. There is currently no pill to increase HDL, or to selectively decrease visceral fat. Exercise regimens need to focus on healthy weight loss through a nutritionally balanced diet , in addition to maintenance and/or increase of lean muscle mass , to decrease visceral fat. The key to weight: calories in/calories out Here are some basics to review when making decisions about what meal plan is best for you. Your body performs its own unique metabolic balancing act every day -balancing out the number of calories (or energy) you fuel your body with against how much energy you burn in order to support normal functions and activities. If you take in more fuel than you need your body stores it as fat; if you take in less than you need, you lose weight. Yet, recent surveys show that most people don’t understand this energy balance. If you want to find out how many calories you need, check out MyPlate.gov. In order to lose weight, consume about 500 calories per day less than you need, without going under 1,200 calories per day (unless you are in a medically supervised weight loss program) to prevent the metabolism from conserving energy output or going into “starvation mode.” Restricting calorie intake and increasing energy output to achieve the needed calorie deficit is best practice. If you have higher amounts of weight to lose If you have been morbidly obese or had extremes in weight due to yo-yo dieting (50 or more pounds), expect to need to expend up to one-third more calories to lose a pound of stored body weight. Once the body has been in “starvation mode” the metabolism has learned to conserve energy, much like we turn down the thermostat in our home to save on the energy bill. Fat cells are more resistant to letting go of stored energy, therefore increasing lean body mass to increase energy output is key for the metabolically challenged to lose weight and maintain weight loss. • For individuals who have any concurrent health issues in addition to overweight or obesity, it is important to see a registered dietitian to get education and make sure your nutrient needs will be met. • Spread calories over the day. • Skipping meals, especially breakfast, is linked with higher calorie intake and weight, as well as increased risk of diabetes development. • To promote healthy weight loss without hunger pangs and cravings during a restricted calorie meal plan, choose three main meals per day - breakfast, lunch and CONTINUED