2019 Wellness

Page 8 2019 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 21, 2019 dinner. Possibly one to two snacks in between will aid success. • Foods as snacks need to be nutrient-rich and not just lower in calories - unsweetened fruit, low-fat yogurt, or an ounce of nuts - and they need to fit into your daily calorie plan. • Boost high-volume, low-energy foods. Research suggests that these foods, which provide low calorie levels in relatively large portions, can help promote weight loss by filling you up, yet reducing your overall calorie intake. • Choose a wide variety of colorful, non- starchy vegetables at meals and don’t shy away from raw veggies as part of your snack regimen. Broccoli doesn’t have many calories, yet it is packed with nutrients. The volume of the broccoli adds volume to your stomach due to water and fiber content, making you feel full, and it will take longer to eat. • Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables for snacks instead of high-calorie foods like cakes and cookies. Follow the nutrient-rich approach Choosing foods based on their nutrient density is an optimal strategy for weight loss. This practice boosts important nutrients for health while reducing overall calorie intake to support weight loss, according to several studies. CONTINUED