2019 Education magazine

Page 32 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 How do you assist with FAFSA and scholarship applications? Reynolds: Each family has a different situation and different needs, but generally I assist the family with the FAFSA applications, whereas I work mostly one-to-one with students and scholarship applications. Both processes can be confusing, extensive, and frustrating. The FAFSA requires each student and one parent/guardian (for students under age 24) to have a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. The process of receiving the FSA can be confusing and frustrating, but it’s the first step you must take before you can even begin filing a FAFSA form. Generally, I’m just over the shoulder of the student or parent filling out the form. I don’t type the information for them but am there to answer questions. We usually stay in contact after filing the form. Financial aid offices do a verifications process and you may be selected to send in information again even if you’ve done nothing wrong. With scholarship forms, even more work is required of students. I can connect them to resources but cannot write the essay or submit the form on time for them. My main role besides connecting them to the resource is encouraging them to complete the forms. Who is served by the program? Reynolds: Students of any age that live in Logan County are eligible to use our services at no fee. Why is the program needed? Reynolds: The process of finding a program and applying for it is daunting and that is not even considering the financial aspect of it. Some become overwhelmed when the financial aid process is added to the college selection and application process, which can turn into a roadblock. Students need this assistance we give because they need people to guide them through this important time in their future. School counselors have many other responsibilities aside from the college process so having assistance in any area is usually welcomed. What is most important for students considering college to know? Reynolds: It is important to consider your interest as well as keep an open mind. Never CONTINUED