2019 Education magazine

2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 Page 41 economy. He said that Lincoln College is replacing that loss and has the potential to become the largest employer in the county in the future. What is needed? For Lincoln College to continue on its mission of growth a key component of success is going to be community support. President Gerlach noted that the school has a long history of being well-supported by the community and he wants that to continue on. He noted for example that in 1919 the school was in financial trouble. It was the community that stepped up to the plate and in a fundraising effort the school brought in $200,000 from community members. That was an enormous amount of money in 1919. To help put that into perspective the $200,000 raised in 1919 would be equal to raising about $3 M today. As a private college, the school receives no state dollars. While students are eligible for student loans and grants, the school itself receives no support. Therefore, continued gifts such as that made by Pat Carroll, Waldo and Rosalee Bertoni ($500,000 gifted to the Lincoln Heritage Museum) and others will be necessary. Dr. Gerlach said that in the future, there will be a need for internships with local businesses. The college needs the support of the business community in providing those opportunities for students. While those internships are temporary, they could also lead to future employment for a student, again answering the goal to keep students in the community after graduation. And, the college needs the moral support of the community. Gerlach said that the college is working to put a positive light on the school and its students, and he hopes the community will be supportive and positive about the growth plan for the school. He said that there will always be some “nastiness” but that he hopes the students will display a positive attitude out in the community and that Lincoln and Logan County residents will return the same. He said when kids do misbehave they are dealt with swiftly. He added that the majority of the students at LC are good people with good intentions and he wants the community to see that. To future students Lincoln College has a lot to offer for students who want a practical education that will lead to a solid career. The school offers a great athletics program and is performing very well on the four-year college level. Now a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes (NAIA), LC athletes are competing with four-year colleges and are making a good name for themselves. Dr. Gerlach noted that the NAIA is the collegiate athletic program for smaller colleges, but that as a member, CONTINUED