2019 Education magazine

Page 6 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 when there is a conflict between students but also conflicts with teachers as well as parents. Through the Restorative Practice process, those involved learn how their actions have impacted others and made others feel. “We also discuss how actions have impacted the teachers, ourselves as administrators, and the parents,” Mrs. Irwin went on to say. By the end of the Restorative Practice circle or conversation, those involved are expected to make things right. This generally involves an apology that acknowledges the mistake, and other times a consequence is given as well. Mrs. Irwin explained, “student discipline isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are many factors to take into consideration, and it isn’t always easy.” In using Restorative Practice, Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Aper noted that office referrals are down this year compared to the previous years. “Students are becoming problem solvers, both in their academic career and in figuring out relationships,” explained Mrs. Aper. CONTINUED