2019 Education magazine

Page 8 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 explained, “adding emotions to a statement can increase the impact of the words being spoken.” Mrs. Aper gave an example: a typical response would be “stop teasing Sally.” An effective statement would be “it makes me feel uncomfortable when I hear you teasing Sally.” Most students don’t want to disappoint their teachers, therefore hearing a teacher is feeling unhappy tends to change behavior. Mrs. Irwin concluded the conversation by saying, “we want to create an environment that is conducive for learning where all students feel safe, welcomed, and loved. Restorative Practice has given us the tools to build positive and appropriate relationships with students. Instead of making a student feel shame or humiliation about making a mistake, our goal is to provide a safe and loving environment that enables them to become confident, kind, and respectful individuals.” [Story and Photos by Catherine Carkulis]