2019 Worship Guide

2019 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 21 I t was late afternoon and I was waiting for a few people to come for a meeting. It was quiet in the building with the murmur of just a few kids waiting to be picked up from daycare. Sitting in the foyer I look out the big windows and am reminded that this season of Christmas has arrived in full. In a year when our family has had more downs than ups it doesn’t feel quite as festive as in the past. Yet, in this moment, the sun is going down and the lights start to twinkle and I remember this line from the Christmas hymn; A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new glorious morn In this season of preparation and reflection, hope begs of us to sit in patience, to see the new joy and freedom that is coming. It is so natural and easy to get caught up in the weight of the holiday season. The physical weight of all the new stuff we are giving and receiving. A child brings hope Lincoln First United Methodist Church - Rachel Judd CONTINUE