2019 Worship Guide

2019 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 5 reason we avoid reading the Bible. Right? Not because we’re too busy. Not because we don’t understand it. No. It’s simply because we don’t want the grown up Jesus telling us how we should live our lives. I can hear our thoughts now, “You went too far here Jesus. I disagree with you on this topic Jesus! I believe I’ll go a different direction on this one!” And before we know it, we have turned off Jesus’ input in our lives because we don’t like what he says. “If that’s all Jesus has to offer, to tell us how to live, then no thanks.” However, Jesus gave us a more surprising reason for why he came to earth. Not just to tell us how to live, or to guilt us or shame us. Instead, when Jesus himself was asked why he came he gave a surprising answer: “I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly.” Wow! Who doesn’t want life? Who doesn’t want an abundant life? Everyone! Right? Yet, instead of drawing closer to grown up Jesus for this kind of life he offers, we’d rather avoid the grown up Jesus and focus once a year on baby Jesus. We can handle baby Jesus. Could it be that maybe we’re missing out on something here? Is there more to this Jesus thing than we realize? YES! Abundantly more!