2020 Home for the Holidays

Page 42 2020 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 25, 2020 Pull out your old instrument from high school and start playing it again or relearning it. Home improvement Housecleaning and redecorating can help you get organized and get rid of clutter, which is good for you. Studies have shown housecleaning and organizing lead to better physical health by improving your personal environment. Detail your Ferrari. Ha, ha, if you do not have a luxury sport car, you may find that even your Corolla will look nicer with a thorough cleaning, waxing or some enhancement. Jumpstart your garden by planning out next spring’s garden. Seed catalogs usually start arriving in January and you can start ordering seed packets. Redesign your landscape to beautify your property. This year you have a big opportunity to do things different. Make the most of this opportunity to change it up, and maybe it will be a time you will remember with appreciation. You might even long for this brief interlude of semi-solitude and reduced demands in the years that come. [Angela Reiners]