2020 Hometown Heroes
2020 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS May 14, 2020 Page 11 CONTINUED u of Lincoln High School and it’s students, Rod is a moving force in recognizing all Logan County graduates this month with a display on the courthouse lawn.” --- Senior assistance CNA Nicole Shehorn friendly and helpful at work and during off-time “Nikki works as a CNA at Castle Manor. She is always caring and upbeat. When Nikki isn’t working she delivers treats and supplies to her friends to keep their spirits up. She goes out of her way to help others.” --- There should be plenty of pictures also on the FB page. “Nancy Cunningham is the Executive Director at the Oasis Senior Center of Logan County. “Even though the Oasis is closed due to Covid, Nancy is still very busy. She organized drive- thru meals for seniors using up pantry and freezer supplies. She was able to get food donations from local businesses to supplement what was on hand. Thru her partnership with the community, United Way and State Farm are now providing meals for May. She is making sure the Oasis food pantry is stocked and ready.” “Nancy is very up on technology and stays in touch with her seniors thru FB. She’s made it possible for them to exercise live now and even play Bingo! Check out the Oasis FB page and you can see how busy she is! She is definitely a hero to so many in this isolated time. --- Caring for our vulnerable populations CTF Illinois - Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) and Home-Based Services staff have been working two week shifts in four homes in Lincoln. “They are all great staff and have been irreplaceable and deserve some recognition for this! Some of them are parents, some are students, but they have all missed out on time with their loved ones to take care of the individuals that we all care for.” Staff and work histories: Becky Maxey has worked for three months part-time but previously worked for two years. Brandon Rankin has worked for one year and 11 months. Caleb Awe has worked one year, married to and pictured with Sacora Awe who has worked two years three months.
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