Page 28 2020 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS FEBRUARY 20, 2020 “We are going to have leadership teams at both the high school and the grade school which consist of an administrator and five or six teachers. They’re the ones who are going to be driving where the buildings go, what improvements we make, what changes we make. So it doesn’t all fall on the shoulders of a principal or a superintendent or one or two teachers. “That’s probably what I am most excited about, is seeing that process take place because you start getting people engaged in the process who haven’t been engaged before and watching them really take ownership of decision and the things that are happening, it really helps things progress. When people have a say in how they are doing their work and what they are doing, they become even more committed to it.” New Kid on the Block - here comes Principal Danielle Lora A bright future is ahead for Mount Pulaski. A new kid on the block, so to speak, is coming soon. Mount Pulaski recently hired Danielle Lora to fill the soon-to-be-vacated position of Mount Pulaski Grade School Principal. Principal Gene Newton leaves on June 15, 2020, after 18 years, Mount Pulaski is lucky to have Lora take on the challenge of guiding Mount Pulaski in the future. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work in Mount Pulaski CUSD #23 as the next principal at Mount Pulaski Grade School,” said Lora. “I am looking forward to the wonderful things that are happening and the future of Mount Pulaski schools. I am most excited about getting into the building as much as possible before the end of the school year so that I can begin building relationships with the teachers, support staff, students and parents. Building these relationships is so important, especially before summer and the start of next school year. “Taking this next step in my career is going to allow me the opportunity to work with some amazing teachers and create a strong educational environment for the students of Mount Pulaski where we are creating lifelong learners. The people of Mount Pulaski have been so warm and welcoming and I thank them for that. I look forward to working with all school stakeholders as we continue to move Mount Pulaski CUSD #23 forward.” Lora was born and raised in Lincoln and graduated in 2005 from Millikin University in Decatur. She lived in the Dominican Republic for two years where she met her husband, Ismael. They moved back to Lincoln and have been married since 2008. They are the parents of two children. Continued p