2021 Fair

Page 8 2021 Logan County Fair Lincoln Daily News July/August 2021 T he Logan County 4-H Home and Family Show was held Saturday morning in the brown door exhibit barn at the Logan County Fairgrounds. Under the new scheduling rules for this year, the show exhibitors arrived at specific times throughout the day with exhibits in sewing/clothing, home interior, and communications. Those participating early in the day brought in some very impressive exhibits. At the sewing and clothing judging, local resident Tonita Reifsteck was the judge. First at her table was Ellie Wrage, who had her first year sewing project with her, a pair of lightweight summer slacks. Reifsteck was very impressed with Ellie’s entry saying that making a pair of slacks was a very ambitious project. Reifsteck recalled that her first sewing project for 4-H years ago was a very simple little dress made from a feed sack. Ellie talked about what she had learned while doing the project and noted that the patterned material had been a challenge because she wanted the print to be properly aligned and with everything going the correct direction. Reifsteck asked her if she had washed the garment. Ellie said that when she bought her material she brought it home and washed it before she started laying out her pattern. She had not washed it after the garment was completed. Reifsteck said that Ellie had made a very smart move and that every piece of cloth should be washed before it is sewn. Ellie was also asked to model her slacks. She went and changed into the slacks and came back for Reifsteck to complete her judging. Reifsteck said that the pants looked really good on their model. She asked Ellie if they were comfortable. The girl answered that indeed they were so comfortable, she would like to just continue wearing them for the rest of the day. However, that was not to be. The garment received a blue ribbon and was brought back to be displayed in the textiles barn for fair week. Continued p 4-H Youth show off their talents at Home and Family Show SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2021 By Nila Smith