2021 Home For the Holidays

Page 42 2021 Home for the Holidays Lincoln Daily News November 24, 2021 Great grandma showed the youngsters her technique for making deviled eggs. Grandma attended to the oven and the roasting of the meat. The kitchen was filled with amazing smells and even more amazing sights. The whole family appreciated the camaraderie and teamwork that made this holiday special, spending hours together making the food they would share around the table. Everyone helped, everyone learned. Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grand mothers, teenagers and children had worked together in this kitchen filled with family love. Everyone appreciated the great work it took to prepare such a grand meal. The generations passed on the recipes, procedures, techniques, and traditions. The hours together flew by. The preparation was almost complete. Everyone waited with anticipation as turkey roasting came to a close and the little red button popped on the butterball’s breast. As a team they assembled the dishes and delivered them to the table. The teenagers were taught how to carve the ham and carve the turkey, how to divide up the white meat and the dark meat, and grandma saw to the special making of the gravy to enhance the flavors while an audience watched the process and learned her secrets. Finally everything and everyone was assembled as a family around the great table. The food looked scrumptious, the family looked hungry, and everyone felt proud for taking part in the preparation and proud of being part of this family. A great word of thanks was offered to the Great Provider, and everyone dug in and passed dishes around the table, making sure that everyone got the stuffing that even the young ones helped prepare, the deviled eggs that the teenagers now knew how to make, and the special gravy that grandma prepared like magic. Hours and hours of preparation together in that hot kitchen made them all ready to eat and the food was gone in what seemed like an instant. The talk around the table turned to messages of gratitude for each one’s participation, and Continued n