2021 Worship Guide

2021 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS December 1, 2021 Page 7 Just for fun, in our imaginations, let’s shrink the earth to 1/50th of an inch in diameter. Can you even see it in your mind’s eye? It would be a tiny speck, perhaps like the period at the end of this sentence. If we do that, the sun would be nineteen and a half feet away from that speck. And the closest star to that sun would be a little bit more than a thousand miles beyond that. The universe we live in is one expansive place. The earth as we know it, has always been that tiny. Yet, even so far away, we see those stars, and of course need the sun and moon to survive. Time and space are fascinating and mind blowing. Yet, one day, just like any other day, thousands of babies are born. And one of those many trips around the sun, one of those babies was Jesus. Jesus: The Light of God CONTINUE