2021 Worship Guide

Page 8 2021 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS December 1, 2021 The Magi studied those stars and knew something different was happening. Yet, they also sensed in their mind’s eyes, in their hearts, that a new way of understanding life was born. That new way of life, born in a baby, would be a gift to our world. They searched for that gift to the world and found one of those thousands of babies, just one. In a humble place, a baby was born to a questionable, socially unacceptable couple yet this baby would change the world and our entire understanding of life. Not just for their time but for all time. Harold E Kohn wrote, “While it is impossible to comprehend the universe or to fathom fully the mysteries of life on this strange planet or to know all about God and his dealings with us, in the small stable of Bethlehem lies the answer to life’s most perplexing riddles. The Christ child gives bewildered the surest clue to the meaning of existence.” Because of the Christ child, we, humans, can understand that we are here for a purpose. That tiny baby grew to become a star for us to follow our whole lives long. We now know just as our sun is shining bright to give the earth light and warmth, it points beyond itself to the expansive universe, so that baby Jesus points beyond Himself for us to know the expansive love of God. We now know when we experience and create hope, love, peace and joy, God is present. We now understand slightly more the vastness of the God who created us, redeems us, and comforts us but also gives us each and every one a purpose. God’s gift in this tiny planet, in this tiny baby Jesus, and this tiny time in space and time means each one of us are like the many stars that shine brightly. “Star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright, westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light.” Rev. Laurie Hill St. John’s Church of Christ