2021 Education magazine

Page 24 2021 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS February 18, 2021 B efore the start of the 2019-20 school year, Lincoln Elementary School District #27 partnered with the city of Lincoln to bring a school resource officer (SRO) to the district. Aside from the safety aspect, an effective SRO has the opportunity to bring much more to the overall school environment. Successful SROs proactively address safety issues and concerns, build working relationships with school staff, and positively impact the lives of children. Lincoln Police Chief Paul Adams understood that the benefits of choosing the right officer for the position would go beyond reducing violence across the district. His selection of Officer Christy Fruge has proven to be a valuable asset to District #27. Lincoln Junior High Principal Mike Workman, who has worked closely with SRO Fruge, is thankful to have her as a part of the LJHS staff. “Christy has become an essential part of the junior high team in a very short amount of time. Her professionalism, knowledge of the community, and ability to develop relationships has not only helped students tremendously, but the faculty and staff as well. She brings positive energy to our makes positive impact Continued p School resource officer