2021 Education magazine

Page 32 2021 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS February 18, 2021 Some other ways to serve our community have been through senior citizen breakfasts, gifts for servants in our community, making quilts, and cards we’ve made for shut-ins and veterans. The students love to make cards and send them out to brighten up someone’s day. These are some of the things that we believe are essential to the formation Nursing Home Christmas Quilt Making Pre-covid Nursing Home Visit We also gather an offering during chapel that we give away to a different group each month. Sometimes it is a local cause, and other times we try to help people on the other side of the world. It helps remind us to be grateful of everything that we have, so that we can be a blessing to others. Over the years we have tried to make service projects an integral part of our program. One long-standing tradition has been for students to visit the residents of our local nursing home during the week. That has not been possible this year, but we were able to give a “Christmas parade” to those residents through the windows. The students were so excited to be able to share Christmas with the residents. And the residents were so grateful; many happy tears were shed! Continued p