2021 Education magazine

2021 Education Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS February 18, 2021 Page 45 Private Zion Lutheran School, Mount Pulaski 203 South Vine St. Mount Pulaski, IL 62548 217-792-5715 Website: www.zionmp.org Administrator Lori Allen lallen@zionmp.org Pastor Jonathan Buescher pastor@zionmp.org Pre-school (two years old) through eighth grade Nickname: Crusaders Colors: Red & White Competitive sports and activities: boys baseball and track; girls softball and track; and scholastic bowl. New Holland-Middletown New Holland-Middletown Elementary/Junior High School 75 1250th Street Middletown, IL 62666 217-445-2421 Superintendent Marc Campbell mcampbell@nhm88.com Website: http://www.nhm88.com/ Pre-school ages three to five, kindergarten through eighth grades Approximately 86 students Nickname: Mustangs Colors: Black, silver and white Seventh and eighth grade enrollment: 21 Students compete in boys basketball, baseball and track; girls basketball, softball, volleyball and track; and in scholastic bowl and speech activities.