2021 Hometown Heroes

2021 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS May 27, 2021 Page 17 and the children’s new self-esteem at this event swells up this old heart!” Reifsteck still attends St. John’s United Church of Christ where she is an active member of many committees. Though activities have been limited recently, she is still able to help with the Outreach Ministry that she co-chairs. She gets to ring in the St. John Handbell Choir instead of directing it. She is also part of the Prayer Chain ministry. There are 40 members in this ministry who have been a blessing to so many, keeping in touch and being a support to those in need. Reifsteck is involved with too many projects to list but she enjoys each one as “we work together in making life richer and fuller not only of our church members but in the community.” Reifsteck doesn’t like to toot her own horn but there are others in the community that appreciate her so much they don’t have a problem declaring a little praise: Bill Post shared, “Oh, where does one begin with Tonita Reifsteck? She is involved in so many activities. I do know she is not idle and wants to be that way. She provides food for funerals and takes food to the house of those who have lost loved ones. You name it, she is involved or would be if asked. She throws herself into it and serves to her best. Relay for Life, she was Survivor Chair, Publicity Chair, (wrote ALL the articles for the newspapers and arranged on air reports with the radio stations). This is in addition to her family, as she is always there as mother and grandmother to provide for them and their needs. She helps her daughter Elaine at Culver’s when needed. She seems to be like the Energizer Bunny. She just keeps GOING and GOING. This lady serves ALL with great commitment and enthusiasm. She has personality plus and is a very caring, loving, compassionate woman. She is a true Servant for our Lord and Savior and there to help when and wherever needed. God Bless Toni. We ALL love her and need her in our lives.” Also, comparing her to the Energizer Bunny, Karen Hargis recognized, “Toni is one of the sweetest ladies I know. She is like the energizer bunny. She is always championing others and their causes. She loves to work in the background but is not afraid to stand up for what she believes. She certainly is one of the best “workers” I have had the privilege of knowing. While this lady has seen great heartache and loss, she has always focused her energies and love on her faith, family, friends, and countless others she does not know. What a great example for us to follow!” Reifsteck gives the credit for her desire to help others to her father. Growing up on a farm in the depression years and WWII era Reifsteck and her two siblings were taught to give aid and if a helping hand was needed, you did it. Any surplus of garden, orchard, etc. was shared. They were taught to be thankful for what they had (even the feed-sack dresses). They learned to work and share and have fun! No matter where they lived, they volunteered and shared their lives. “It may seem like a cliché, but I truly get more in return than I have ever given. Friends of every age, creed, race, interest, etc., and sharing times has made my life richer. I am blessed with good health which helps. Where there has been a crisis in my life any gesture I’ve given has come back to my family 10X10 fold. To make life better for someone else is such a heartwarming experience.”