2018 Paint paper pink

Page 14 2018 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2018 Community makes premiere Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser Auction a success T hursday evening the folks at Collision Concepts and Lincoln Daily News were astonished by the final outcome of the first Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser Auction in Lincoln. The two businesses hosted the event at Collision Concepts where approximately 125 guests partook in an evening of bidding. At the end of the night bids came in around $5,800, but that would not be all of the support. The next day, the fundraiser continued to bring in more funds reaching just over $6,300 plus, as there were a couple of the buyers who would be submitting for matching funds from their employers for the single items they purchased. In the end, organizers are anticipating that approximately $6,500 will be donated to Relay for Life of Logan County via the Friends and Family Relay Team, consisting of folks from both companies, plus CCAOnline in Lincoln. The evening on Thursday began at 5 p.m. with a wonderful selection of foods paired with choices of beer, wine, or non-alcoholic beverages. The refreshments were provided by Collision Concepts and put together in the front lobby of the business. Erv and Cindy Guyett of Collision Concepts donated all the food and beverages for the night as well as the space for the auction and their fabulous team of employees served to set up, assist during the event and cleaned up. By Nila Smith CONTINUE ...