2018 Paint paper pink

2018 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2018 Page 15 Cindy Guyett, Roy Logan, and Collision staff put together the array of food and drink, making the front area of the business very welcoming for guests. Guests enjoyed raw veggie shooters, savory meat and cheese kabobs, meatballs, crackers, cupcakes made by one of Cindy’s good friends, and a variety of candies and mints. During the social hour, Lisa Ramlow of CCAOnline and Lincoln Daily News, manned the cashier office and worked to pass out 41 bidding paddles. Also in the office with Ramlow was an array of pink items such as bracelets for everyone and pink ribbons for breast cancer survivors. The Wall of Hope survivor list was also laid out, with breast cancer survivors encouraged to sign the list and take a pink ribbon. In the shop area at Collision, workers had stopped fixing broken cars early in the afternoon and provided a large clean space for the auction. When tables and chairs arrived everyone pitched in to get the auction space set up. They also did a lot of running back and forth helping to carry pumpkins out to the shop area where Karen Hargis and Nila Smith of Lincoln Daily News, with additional help from Erv Guyett, got 51 items set up and ready for the auction. At 6 p.m. everyone made their way into the shop area where that local auctioneer Mike Maske would be selling the 51 pink items. Before the auction began Jim and Jan Youngquist of Lincoln Daily News and Cindy and Erv Guyett of Collision Concepts came to the front of the room to welcome guests. Jim served as the spokesman and began with a welcome and thank you to all who set up, promoted the auction and those in attendance, as well as all those who had donated items for the auction. He gave credit to Cindy Guyett and LDN’s Roy Logan for coming up with the idea of a Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser and talked about the hours of planning it had taken to put together the event. He pointed out and expressed appreciation to the team of organizers that included Karen Hargis and Nila Smith of LDN and Lisa Ramlow of CCAOnline. He told the guests that there were a few purposes attached to the evening. He said of course the first goal was to raise money for the American Cancer Society. He urged the audience to loosen those purse strings and put out some good money for some great items. CONTINUE ...